Core Curriculum
Grade 6-8 Placement Matrix 2023
English Language Arts
The English Language Arts program incorporates many approaches to create better readers, writers, and speakers. Students develop writing and speaking abilities through formal and informal activities, including writing workshop. In order to remember and evaluate what students read, they learn to use a variety of strategies. Teachers use diverse text selections so that students can learn and apply reading skills for a lifetime of pleasurable and practical reading.
By the end of the sixth grade, students will be able to:
- Use oral and written language, media, and technology for expressive, informational, argumentative, critical, and literary purposes
- Determine specific areas of interest and engage in personal reading
- Analyze their own writing in order to revise what they say and how they say it
- Employ distinctive voice and style in writing
- Proof their own writing and edit to conform to basic conventions of Standard English
- Convey opinions through oral communication, role-play, or performances
- Apply specific guidelines to evaluate content and strategies in listening, speaking, and viewing assignments
Math 6
Math 6 is a research-based, problem-centered curriculum consisting of 8 units. By the end of the year, students should understand and be able to perform the following skills and concepts:
- The four arithmetic operations using fractions, decimals, and percents
- Convert between and compute with different forms of rational numbers (whole numbers, fractions, decimals, positive integers)
- Understand the concept of ratio and solve problems using proportional reasoning
- Understand and use line and rotational symmetry
- Determine surface area and volume of solid figures
- Use variables to represent unknown quantities in formulae, algebraic expressions, and equations
- Read and interpret data to make predictions
- Determine probability of a given event
- Communicate mathematics in multiple ways such as pictures, verbal, written, numeric, graphical, and symbolic
- Use the tools of mathematics to solve problems in real world situations
- Use real world information to make mathematical connections
Accelerated Math 6/7
Accelerated 6/7 is a research-based, problem-centered curriculum consisting of 8 units. Students will learn all of the standards in the Math 6 curriculum in addition to approximately half of the Math 7 topics (the other half will be addressed with the 8th grade curriculum in 7th grade). The Math 7 topics are from the new Georgia Standards of Excellence standards which the state of Georgia transitioned to during the 2015-2016 school year. The Math 7 topics are directly related to the Math 6 curriculum and will be taught simultaneously with the Math 6 topics. By the end of the year, students should have mastered all of the Math 6 topics listed above in addition to the following GSE Math 7 topics:
- Compute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions
- Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers and solve real-world problems involving the four operations
- Add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients
- Simplify expressions and solve multi-step problems that involve adding and subtracting rational numbers
- Construct and solve simple equations and inequalities
Students qualify for Accelerated Math 6/7 by meeting all of the following criteria:
- Final grade of “A” in Math 5
- MAP > 80% and EOG > 3
Earth Science
During the course of the year, students are exposed to various Earth Science topics in the areas of geology, hydrology, and astronomy. These topics are addressed from a global perspective, focusing on the Middle Years Programme areas of interaction. In addition, the sixth grade science curriculum incorporates inquiry-based activities and labs to create critical thinkers who can effectively use scientific process skills. These activities will prepare students for our annual science fair.
By the end of the sixth grade, students will be able to:
- Collect, use, and analyze scientific data related to the earth’s processes
- Use different models to represent systems such as the solar system and the sun/moon/earth system
- Record observations about the earth’s materials and use these observations as the basis for inferences about the formation of the earth
- Describe observations and report information in graphical form about the earth’s processes
- Recognize relationships between simple charts and graphs and develop strategies for interpreting findings about the earth’s processes
- Replicate investigations related to the earth’s processes and compare and contrast different results
Social Studies
Social Studies curriculum in sixth grade focuses on a combination of world geography, history, political structures, economics, and cultural studies. Within these areas, students explore Europe, Latin America, Canada, and Oceania through cooperative learning, individual projects, and class discussion. The Middle Years Programme deepens our studies as we view each topic through the five areas of interaction: environment, community & service, approaches to learning, social & health education, and homo faber.
By the end of 6th grade, students will be able to:
- Explain major historical developments leading to and of 20th & 21st century Europe, Latin America, Canada, and Oceania
- Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, natural resources, and population size on these regions of the modern world
- Describe the cultural characteristics of Europe, Latin America, Canada, and Oceania
- Describe the impact of governmental policies and individual behaviors on these regions of the modern world
- Describe different economic systems and economic policies as they relate to these regions of the modern world
- Explain concepts of personal money management