Media Center
General Information
The philosophy of the MSGA Learning Commons is to be the global learning hub for students and faculty. We strive to encompass, integrate, and promote all things literacy and technology related. Utilizing a flex schedule format, the library media specialist will work collaboratively with faculty to ensure that all students' learning needs are supported. With this in mind, our collection and services will be developed based on the needs of both students and faculty.
The mission of the MSGA Learning Commons is to create a welcoming, positive and safe learning environment for all. Our focus is to establish strong positive relationships with the school community and provide relevant current literature-rich materials. We are committed to cultivating a community of readers and information seekers.
Open Monday-Friday, 8:45 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
For more detailed information about the MSGA Learning Commons, please click here.
Jennifer Vite
Library Media Specialist
Sharon Herron
Library Media Aide